The Battle Between Light and Darkness: Apep vs. Ra


Greetings, esteemed readers, and welcome to a hilariously historical showdown! Today, we delve into the ancient Egyptian mythological realm to witness the epic battle between two formidable foes: Apep and Ra. Grab your popcorn and prepare to be entertained by this clash of titans, complete with jokes and laughter!

Apep below the bark of Ra with seven knives, Book of the Dead of Amenemsaouf, 21st Dynasty, Louvre Museum, Paris. Photo by Soutekh67 on Wikipedia.

Now, imagine a world where the sun rises and sets without a hitch, where darkness and chaos are kept at bay. That world was ancient Egypt, and at the heart of this cosmic drama were Apep, the serpent of chaos, and Ra, the sun god himself.

In one of his many forms, Ra, god of the sun, has the head of a falcon and the sun disk inside a cobra resting on his head.

Picture this: Ra, the all-powerful sun god, cruising in his mighty solar boat, shining down his glorious rays upon the land. He's the ultimate symbol of light, warmth, and good vibes. But lurking beneath the surface, eager to ruin Ra's day, is our scaly troublemaker, Apep.

A representation of the Egyptian Deity Apep, the embodiment of chaos, as he was depicted in The Tomb of Ramesses I, 1307 BCE. This image contains some artistic liberties so that Wikipedia readers can tell him apart from the rest of the Egyptian Deities. Eternal Space - Own work on Wikipedia.

Apep, the embodiment of darkness and evil, slithers through the Underworld, plotting his nefarious deeds. He's like that annoying sibling who always tries to extinguish your birthday candles before you make a wish. You know the type!

So, here's the scene: Ra is making his nightly journey through the underworld, getting ready to take a well-deserved nap after a hard day's work of being fabulous. Suddenly, Apep pops up, his beady serpent eyes gleaming with mischief. He challenges Ra to a battle royale of cosmic proportions. The stakes? Control over the very fabric of existence!

1001 Tasses

As Ra and Apep face-off, sparks fly—literally! Ra shoots fiery beams from his eyes, while Apep retaliates with venomous fangs. It's like a WrestleMania event but with a lot more sand and way cooler costumes.

Ra, being the sun god, has a secret weapon up his celestial sleeves. He summons his trusty sidekick, a team of mighty gods and goddesses, to aid him in his fight against Apep. It's like assembling the ultimate Avengers squad, but with a lot more hieroglyphs.

Set spearing the snake Apep (Egyptian Museum, Cairo)

Each deity brings their unique powers to the battle. Horus, the sky god, swoops down like a majestic falcon, clawing at Apep's scaly hide. Thoth, the wise scribe, casts spells and recites incantations, hoping to put the snake in a trance-like state. It's a wild party, and everyone's invited!

Ra in his ram-headed form traveling through the underworld in his solar barque on the subterrestrial Nile, from the copy of the Book of Gates in the tomb of Ramses I (KV16) Photo on Wikipedia.

Meanwhile, Apep, crafty as ever, wraps his coils around Ra's boat, trying to drag him down into the depths of darkness. But Ra, being the OG sun god, refuses to back down. He fights back with unwavering determination, and with the help of his divine posse, he manages to keep Apep at bay.

As the battle rages on, the cosmic balance teeters on a razor's edge. It's like watching a game of cosmic tug-of-war, where the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. Will Ra and his gang prevail, or will Apep succeed in plunging the world into eternal darkness? The suspense is killing us!

Ra-Khepri (solar disc and scarab beetle). By FDRMRZUSA on Wikipedia

In the end, after an epic struggle that would make any Hollywood blockbuster jealous, Ra emerges triumphant. He banishes Apep back into the depths of the Underworld, ensuring that light and order reign supreme once again. The crowd goes wild, and the gods celebrate with a cosmic afterparty for the ages.

While in the underworld, Ra was depicted with the head of a ram. By FDRMRZUSA on Wikipedia

And there you have it, dear readers, a tale of cosmic combat, humor, and ancient Egyptian mythological shenanigans. Remember, even in the darkest of times, a little humor and the power of friendship can help us overcome any challenge.

Ancient Egyptian wooden stela depicting Lady Djedkhonsuiwesankh giving offerings of food, drink, and flowers to Ra Photograph by Oriental Institute, the University of Chicago on Wikipedia.

So, until our next mythological adventure, keep shining like Ra, and never let the snakes of chaos dampen your spirits. And remember, if life throws a giant serpent your way, just grab your sun god buddies, summon your inner comedic genius, and show that pesky reptile who's boss!

Ra in his ram-headed form, Tomb of Nefertari (QV66) Photo by Onceinawhile on Wikipedia.

Stay tuned for more fascinating tales from history, where laughter meets legend. Until then, keep reading, keep laughing, and keep spreading the joy of knowledge. Farewell, dear readers, and may your days be as epic and entertaining as the battles between gods and serpents!

The sun god Ra, in the form of the Great Cat, slays the snake Apep. Thebes, tomb of Inher-kha (299). Wall painting. Ramses IV (about 1164-1157) The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament, James B. Pritchard, 2nd edition 1969, 218.

Oh, by the way, Just wanted to remind you that in addition to my history blog, I also have another blog dedicated to the amazing stories and facts from aviation. It's called, and it's packed with interesting facts from the past and nowadays. If you're a fan of learning about aviation in a fun and engaging way, then be sure to check it out! Who knows, you might just learn something new, or at least have a good laugh. Let me know in the comments if you're interested in hearing more!


  1. respects. i'm impressed . it was sensational. you are a genius.( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 


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